As I sat there on the beach, cold at night with the breeze smoothly passing me by, a strange feeling unsettled my repose, and I lifted up all of my conscience by the folds of reveries. Then, as if with a smite, I lay the net of my conscience all over the sea floor just as a fisherman spreads his net over the waters to collect fish. I endeavored with an infantile pride to apprehend the beauty of the sea at night, the intense power of sea at creating a wave here and a wave there suffocated me.
Small waves at a distance united to form a long dip in the ocean pushed forth by a force hidden behind the dip. With every passing second, the dip lowered and the force implored to surface, but by an inherent wisdom perhaps, the force pulled itself tight, forming and hiding behind the long dip. And then, as if to swallow the whole of ocean there arose from the hidden darkness, a giant sea horse with a white head frothing profusely along the length all the way up until a small receding wave beckoned it and the force reunited with a smaller force, culminating entirely into a wave that broke upon me and wetted me.
As the wave receded, it pulled me along, the sand beneath my feet slipped back into the ocean and so did I. the net of my conscience burdened by the cataclysmic series of events, torn between my neglect and the ocean’s embrace abandoned me. There I was, in the ocean, floating above the buoyant forces of sea horses that humorously pushed me up and down. Here a frolicking horse opened its vengeance above me, the wave broke and the horse relinquished me just as it’s deafening force suffused palpitations through my body.
So, I floated deeper into the ocean and the horses hopelessly withdrew into their stables. And, I was left in the ocean surrounded by an endless sea of blankness and utter darkness. The nothingness around me frugally pulsated in my ears something deep and dark. Farther away waves broke on the shore with an impending force, while I was left here alone in the stillness of night. Deeper into the ocean, the stillness of sound rested peacefully on another ear numbing stillness; that of the ocean. The bone crunching cold, dark, eerie stillness and the canopy of darkness above me neatly lit up by a giant moon and twinkling stars presented a strange contrast, of the moon and stars that followed me on my journey of bewilderment. The atmosphere thin with the freshness of quietude, water thick with tranquility and I betrothed made a unique pair out here in the wilderness.