The old man looked at me calm and composed, his capacious paunch drew his body tighter together; neck leant towards it, arms crossed over it and legs folded against it. The rest of the body detached from him and folded itself as a second being over the rotund life, supporting it as the petals of the flower embrace the nubile stalk. His beard, thick brown, face dark, senses wide, arms flat and man serene, he assumed the posture of reckoning that seemed obvious but elusive. His eyes were searching, always scooping out images from the closeness to what he ascribed as reality. The space time continuum he shared with me suffered a backdrop. He proceeded to address me in his calmness, and I obliged, he suffered through the process and I volunteered. He leapt back blenched with the fear of compunction, mixed his emotions with a vibrant outburst of reckoning, which again looked so elusive.
Now, his continuum expanded and I found myself within his grasp. He reached out and I stood transfixed, for his senses violated him. The awkward puzzle of propagation of energy subsided here, recovered there. Undulated here, dipped there. Streams of silent agonizing appeals perplexed me, for I was able but restraint in indulging, for I was strong but forbearing, for I was jubilant but nervous. Then, he dispelled the discomfort, pressed his puzzling practices together and galloped just as a formidable predator does.
Here, I was, in the blankness of the continuum, never was I so amazed at the end of the event. Through the slopes of continuum I slipped, through the nets of nights I persevered and the old man uttered a word. His pupils smeared through the folds of forehead as if to let loose a grand though, one that has been squeezed out of the coils of the facial muscles. So contorted was he that the skin on his face belittled the inanimate below.
Then he rushed towards the exit in mad agony and I cajoled his hysterical nature. I tripped over and fell into the depth of sincerity. Here, he embraced my sincerity and I withheld my sincerity..........