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Universal Elephantiasis

I reached out with my hand to grab the water bottle before me, and to my own chagrin, I delicately contemplated the islands of choice I had over a sea of unconscious probable ventures. Clearly, I could have chosen to grab the bottle or not grab it.

This seemingly innocuous nature of choices each element of the universe has over their neighboring elements is capable of creating disturbances along the line of action. Every choice gathers with itself the armor that renders it capable of either participating or assuming the specific disturbance and this wave of cascading disturbances morphs in multidimensional latitudes to result in a particular outcome, which precariously awaits another inevitable action to set it forth into yet another wave of disturbances. What is striking in all this labyrinthine yet commonplace dynamic wave allocations, setting all the elements of this universe in a sea of perpetual disturbances is the fact that “for every single disturbance, there are an infinite number of disturbances that come so close to not happening at all”.

Big bang theory has gained itself an overwhelming acceptance among all the intellectual circles, what remains is only to uncover the last millionth second. Steven Weinberg, in his infamous book “first three minutes” conjectures from the formation of sub elementary particles in the one millionth of the first second after the big bang to the cohesion of particles resulting in other elementary particles within the first three minutes. Many scientists driven by this impetus provided by Mr. Weinberg, made explanatory observations of cosmos and promptly vouched for the existence of the elementary particles in the universe. These observations coupled with laboratory experiments of a conscientious endeavor to find origins for certain sub elementary particles proved Mr. Weinberg’s point.

The universe has been expanding since then, and will continue to expand until the nuclear forces break even with the gravitational forces between the celestial objects, and the theory strictly contemplates a shrinking world after this point of time. The explosive forces that define the big bang caused erratic and bizarre mass distributions. The denser mass chunks that were whirled out by the explosive forces disintegrated into even smaller mass chunks, but widely separated owing to the explosive nature of the forces that guided the big bang. Our observational statistics today, prove to us that our milky way which houses many other solar systems including ours is rotating at the rate of a few million light years per second, also moving away from the neighboring galaxies. Interestingly, albeit characteristically, all the elements that make an inclusion in the Milky Way are moving away from each other, and the rate of movement observed over a period of time showed that the rate of movement of celestial bodies away from each other is coming down gradually. One question stares at us all, as if to suggest diabolical advances made to sweep away all our observational powers as mere delusions; everything that we see today, everything around us that we call universe was densely packed into a mass of the size that can fit on a pin head. If everything was on the inside, then what was on the outside? Was there an outside?

Erwin Schrödinger in his much acclaimed book “what is life?” suggested that the fundamental particles all the creatures are made of are cells and that the quest to life demands the inquisition to begin from the insides of the cell. He suggested that the chemical reactions, electromagnetic forces, nuclear forces, weak and strong forces complexly contributed to the cells replicating themselves. This idea later influenced James D Watson who went on to discover the structure of the basic body building, or replicating element of atoms-DNA.

In my initial endeavor to reach out for the bottle, I moved my hand, an action contributed by the mechanical motion of the arm, which received the energy consumed in my endeavor out of a chemical reaction of proteins inside my arm reacting on the muscle fibers and tissues of the arm, which in turn received the electrical energy impulses produced in the brain and transmitted by neurons, which in turn should have another action preceding it. This pattern is suggestive of an infinite number of events preceding each other through a wave of disturbance which must have taken its origins right in the heart of big bang.

Does this necessarily mean that I have no volitional assumption over my activities? Am I just part of a disturbance in one wave at one instant, merely contributing to the vehicular activity in the midst of an infinitely stretched wave, another wave in the next instant and so on? Evidence suggests the contrary; I do exercise my voluntary choice and apparently my decisions affect the consummations of events in question. But these apparently subjective observations of mine are myopically absolved in themselves; perhaps universe has a way of adjusting itself on the vast scale, so to allow volitions at the infinitesimally smaller scales. If the origins of all waves of disturbances reside in the heart of big bang with initial set coordinates and no room for transgressions, then it is illogical to consider my abilities over changing the course of events. Perhaps, I am just a body floating over the wave medium with disturbances that would although throw occasions to feel them, would never carry me along with them. Then how do I explain the disturbances? An event that occurs at a certain period in time. What is time?

I leave the bottle on the table, its spatial motion is zero, but it is experiencing motion over the fourth dimension-time. If I move the bottle spatially along the length of the table, its motion through time is compromised. As I move the bottle faster, motion in time decreases gradually. If I can convert all of the time related motion of the bottle into space related motion, its motion through time becomes zero and it never ages, and its motion through space becomes infinite. Only particle in this universe with zero motion through time is photon-light, it never ages, and is infinitely spread all over the universe. Einstein’s general theory of relativity boosted the morale of otherwise languorous scientific movement in the realm of theoretical physics, he overturned the understanding of cosmos overnight, he explained how time and space are dramatically warped to allow for the forces to exist and interact the way they do.

Einstein proved the warping, a celestial body would cause in its vicinity, how this would affect the path light takes, if it happens to enter the purview of this warped space. His findings aroused interest in cosmos, which appear infallible. Newton, the man who contemplated the rationale behind the apple falling downwards, suggested that a force namely gravity is all pervasive and acts between all the celestial bodies, but he failed or completely evaded the question-what is gravity? Einstein much privileged and honored to unweave this rainbow, showed to the world what gravity really is. All the celestial bodies warp the space around them and the degree of warping would majorly depend upon the mass of that body. This warping causes disturbances in the space continuum, and the disturbance travels in waves through space sucking in all the neighboring bodies into its warped space. Earth revolves round the sun at a speed that allows it to overcome this ‘sucking in by sun into its warp’ by the tangential outward flow it derives out of the big bang nuclear forces that whirled the mass chunks approximately 15 billion years ago.

If sun should explode now, the absence of sun’s gravity would leave the earth hurled away tangentially and the knowledge of sun’s explosion would be transmitted to us before even light reaches us (light takes 8 minutes to travel from sun to earth). But this is contradicting Einstein’s findings – nothing in this universe can travel faster that light, not even the knowing or not knowing a thing.

He explained why contradictions don’t exist in nature. He proved that the sun’s explosion in our hypothetical situation would cease to warp the space around it, which in turn would not cause disturbances in the space continuum. Catch is- these disturbances travel in waves through space at the speed of light. Basically, gravity as we know it travels at the speed of light. So the knowledge of sun’s explosion and the light ‘going off’ would happen at the same time.

Contradictions don’t exist in nature; we only have to check our premises and would find that one of them is always wrong.

The apostles of modern times made our lives worth enlivening, but I sense an oblivion looming conspicuously among the people, an attitude of indifference to the findings of science, pretentious and often condescending mockery over the understanding of science is not alien to us. People who share a universal passion for science are apoplectic to this dissidence and have alienated themselves from the irrational creatures, leaving them in their profusely static islands of knowledge over the sea of intrigue.


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