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History is repeating itself ?

A wise man told me once, 'necessity is the mother of invention'. I would not go so far to question the impromptu intuitiveness of this wise man, but I can't resist myself from being inquisitive. It’s not in my nature to be enigmatic, but I suppose it’s hard to be otherwise. I want to believe that this life is just an illusion, its world's worst hangover. Strange things happen here, all of them can’t necessarily be pigeonholed into the sheer coincidence genre.

I am making a potential allusion which carries with it enough sustenance to deter any living soul to possibly oversee the rhetorical question. Question that has the fortitude to decimate any attempt made to answer it. 3000 million years prior to now, this is the period when our planet started to get cool and the initial fillip, a pat on the back for life was first made. The color 'Green' made its phenomenal acquaintance with planet Earth. What began as a mere chance, a possibility of life on this planet turned out to be incredibly promising? 1000 million years down the line, planet Earth had bosomed in it a plethora of creatures, plants, there was enough water and oxygen for a spineless miniature to consider evolving on this planet. There was more food for thought and I might add more food than would have satiated even the largest creatures. Then came Dinosaurs, they came in all shapes and sizes. 'Solidarity' not just managed to make it's acquaintance with this creatures, but got so entrenched that the ubiquitous sight of food to feed could only have pushed the entrenched thoughts deeper into the brain and turn them into prejudices. Creatures used to hang around the forest with their kind. So, the solidarity levels were primitive and were confined to their own kinship. What next happened did not come as a surprise to any of the creatures that lived on this planet then.

It was inevitable, the levels of solidarity that found place amongst their own kind could have only grew up a notch higher, meanwhile the inter-kinship as opposed to intra-kinship was loosing its shine and finally lost its face, like it never existed. This decimation of inter-kinship precipitated perpetually and after 3 generations the mere faceless inter-kinship turned into anger, hatred and bigotry. The creatures killed the ones from the other kind, out of love for their own kind. In this chaos and confusion, dinosaurs happened to take the upper hand which is pretty much understood, thanks for their huge bodies. What they did not know was, this chaos which was not triggered by any living soul, this hatred could not be traced back, not because it’s intricate and complex, not because it’s bizarre and inexplicable, but because it’s clear and tacit. That’s how it works. There were lesser number of creatures left on this planet for the big dinosaurs to quench their insatiable hunger.

Dinosaurs took respite in the fact that they were invincible, thanks to their blissful ignorance and the self-righteous hedonistic pleasures, paved way for the birth of an evil, not that this could have been avoided. Dinosaurs were left with little food and their intra-kinship was growing weaker by the day, bigger ones started feeding the smaller ones, the smaller on the smallest, this cascading effect left no tracks and no dinosaur was left out of the loop. They started leaving their place, migrating to other places in the false hope to find food, they were deluding themselves, there was no food. Then it happened, the ones that were left over started fighting among themselves and as was expected, the slaughter and carnage left no traces of life that seemed very promising when it started off one fine morning.

Well, I ask all the intelligent people of this planet that are audacious enough to dig the past down its throat and not sweep it under the cover. It appears that the chronological occurrence of the events is happening with this genre of creatures as well.

I can substantiate my claim. Didn't we draw borders between us? We pigeonhole ourselves into different countries, the hatred, anger, bigotry? Don't you reckon we don’t have long to live and quite unarguably we are beyond the state of repair, communal prejudices are entrenched deeply in us.

History is repeating itself. We are in the final stage of the chronological events that decimated the dinosaur era.


Simply wouldn't put it down...a brilliant read!!!!!Great number of well used facts and fiction techniques...A Great imagination.......

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