It was at a wedding party that I met the whimsical woman Salma. She had put on a pink dress, the hem of her dress billowed as she broke into lollop. The satin material clung to her body; an ornamental belt tightly clasped her waist with a knot in the back. Her thin frame appeared befitting in the dress as she extended her arms through the velvety hems on the side arms much as a tree spreads its branches away from the trunk. The hair tightly drawn back into pony that rested on her bare back perhaps tingled her, for she pulled it above the usual height and now it rested on the nape of her neck.
There was an orchestra, the band played quiet and soothing music. Guests were pouring in, Salma was a talkative woman, she kept them all engaged. There was certain calm in the air, the evening sky gorgeously reddened as the guests took their seats before the stage. Salma nipped the contours of her dress and stood like a doll with a special frock adorned on it. The camera men couldn’t take their eyes off her, she would blush into crimson gold with a remark from the camera man and he would click just as pleased. Her dress rested on her shoulders by the straps that were knitted with fluorescent red thread and glistened in the light flashes of the camera. Her cheeks were flushed with red; she blushed divinely as she received every guest. Her cheek bones were compact; the right one left a punctuation mark on the cheek when she smiled.
There was a small fly that troubled her with provoking intimacy; she flapped at it with her naked pink palms. But the fly soon returned, even with repeated battering, the fly encircled her as a moth does the light. It was completely infatuated with her, without warning it found its home in Salma’s eyes. The fly bothered her, tears trickled through her eyes, spoiling the mascara and flew in a dark river down her cheek. I soon grabbed her shoulders firmly between my arms and blew into her eye. She returned my hankies and opened her lips into a wide smile. Her figure was enchanting, as she crisscrossed between the guests introducing her husband to everybody. She dragged her husband away from the crowd and said in his ears ‘I love this moment; I will remember my wedding party for a very long time’. And I replied ‘I love you’.