For a casual observer, the spectacle of today’s night might appear innocuous; the mindless profligacy, the abominable acts of indecency, the wasteful and detestable arrogance are but a display of intellectual decrepitude. It is the celebration of human ignorance; it’s the celebration of vacuous pleasure.
Beneath the cloaks of celebration, hidden in the recesses of religious evocation, is the human indulgence. This indulgence is immune to the pleasure seeking proposals- apart from spawning pleasure moods namely music, literature and arts, this behavioural characteristic is also home to the birth of an execrable idea-creator.
Science has proved that humans have bigger brain sizes compared to their cousins, and have attributed this bigger brain size to our additional thinking abilities. Studies on young chimps and human kids have revealed that humans adopt a learned technique, humans act with discipline, whereas chimps are instinctive. Even when the instinctive solution is rationally a better choice, studies have proved that humans adopt the techniques that has been taught to them (or the ones they have learnt), but don’t exercise an instinctive mode. This, scientists believe is the answer to humans’ preponderance, this they believe is the answer to the basic questions such as-why have humans become so successful, and chimps have not?.
The answer is discipline. But, we paid the prize for this advantage. Discipline and human indulgence in unison have become a superpower and in the quest to answer the ultimate questions about life and universe, many have misused the repertoire of human predominance. Many have put their human indulgence to wrong use; they created quasi existential characters as the first step. Then, they used discipline to gather strength and enamour vitality. And, the idea was enticing as it displayed answers to life and universe on the placards, and convinced the visitors later as they entered the interior halls of the most execrable idea of human invention- religion.
The others (scientists, philosophers, artists) worked in their dimly lit laboratories. In their attempt to find answers to life and universe, they chose to display only their attempts, only their progress, and not the absolute answers (as professed by the religious dogmatists). These men chose to incrementally proceed in their pursuits of answering the fundamental questions, and not grant holistic answers (as the religious fundamentalists did without any prior investigation, save their hyper imaginative minds)
Throughout history, science has progressed, with every concrete step science took, more and more people embraced science, the dissenters were there too. But religion on the other hand shifted from a state of stasis to that of non- stasis, and has essentially remained the same.
The worst part of this idiocy is that even today, people flaunt their ignorance. It’s the sheer numbers that are staggering and unnerving. Today’s prodigal sons and daughters of the nation, in lighting their fire crackers have made yet another exhibition of human ignorance. And wasted intellect, for the bearers of this dubious idea (of quasi existential idea-creator) resemble a quotient of human intellect that merely spilled into the drains of civilizations’ excessive indulgence. This happens once in every year, on a scale unimaginable to anyone outside the nation.