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Showing posts from October, 2007

White Man's Diary

I have utter contempt for a man who is not passionate about the work he does; I am at loss for words to decipher the enigma of this world and its subtle nuances. Its really intriguing at the same time quite disturbing to know that there are people who consider the world a mundane place. It’s inconceivable to think that people are ingenuously assuming the shred of indifference. Permit me to feel flattered for being bestowed upon me the onus of enlightening the kind of people that were ostracized for centuries by the society of the enlightened, the kind that were never kind to themselves, the kind that wished to liberate themselves from all the desires that besieged them perpetually. History tells us that the people who managed to think beyond the obvious were invariably rewarded for having put up the act of thinking. People who lived on this planet earth 2000 years prior to now, had enough food for thought. An incredible amount of friction existed at every step they took in the evolutio...

History is repeating itself ?

A wise man told me once, 'necessity is the mother of invention'. I would not go so far to question the impromptu intuitiveness of this wise man, but I can't resist myself from being inquisitive. It’s not in my nature to be enigmatic, but I suppose it’s hard to be otherwise. I want to believe that this life is just an illusion, its world's worst hangover. Strange things happen here, all of them can’t necessarily be pigeonholed into the sheer coincidence genre. I am making a potential allusion which carries with it enough sustenance to deter any living soul to possibly oversee the rhetorical question. Question that has the fortitude to decimate any attempt made to answer it. 3000 million years prior to now, this is the period when our planet started to get cool and the initial fillip, a pat on the back for life was first made. The color 'Green' made its phenomenal acquaintance with planet Earth. What began as a mere chance, a possibility of life on this planet tur...

Do You Believe In God ?

I don’t want to dignify this question by answering it. My inner instincts retaliate at this question, uncalled for. I believe that the question is unworthy of for a man of my perspicacity and pragmatism. Questions: questions that are inconceivable, inexplicable and incredibly enigmatic. Let us make a sensible endeavour to try and contemplate the origins of god. Who create d god & why in the first place the people of this planet felt the need to create god.5000 years prior to now, there was total chaos and confusion among the people. I presume that the reader is aware of the fact that mankind is just 5000 years old, whereas our planet is 5000 billion years old. Back then, there was this creature with a bent spine .The grass around it was much taller than him. This creature had 2 hands and 2 legs, but had no assistance whatsoever from his body to satisfy his needs. Tiger had claws and was strong, elephant was gigantic, hyena had an incredible power to sniff, snake had venom, crocodil...

Marriage- A Cliche ?

Marriage is a flawed institution. All the putative scholars of this age might have remained in their lowest form of primitive and subdued sedentary state, if not for the rich polemics and objective rants albeit in the guise of panegyric hitherto unexposed to. A growing niche of people with a paucity of virility are becoming increasingly nosy with these scholars. Most of us have taken the subject of marriage for granted hitherto and are now becoming inquisitive in regards to the rationale behind marriage. in this article, i would try to address the penchant of misgivings in regards to marriage. Where do we start ? Obviously from the period of agriculture era. There is a growing amount of historical evidence sufficiently substantiating my point here. In the period of agricltural era men and women of any tribal community practiced polygamy, incest, sodomy among their community only. Concepts like maternity and paternity would find some ground only some generations later hitherto not found...

Entrenched Prejudices taking the form of Patriotism

What a great way to celebrate the Independence Day? I am bemused, apparently owing to the wide exposure of emotional experiences hitherto seemed innocuous. Delve a little deep into the acquaintance with idea "patriotism", one will invariably be granted with an uncalled inquisition, one gets to stare at a disconcerting vacuum. Why do we brand ourselves with nations that are a mere collection of geographically propelled, culturally augmented, self aggrandizing people? Answer is elusive to many for the reasons best known to them hitherto for their own good are turning skeptical now. Man whom the evolutionists assert shares a common ancestor with chimps and gibbons, naturally after parting his ways with his cousins (chimps, gibbons) choose to retain a comprehensive emotional, physiological and mental disposition. Man, if he ever chooses to embark on a space ship that supposedly travels back in time is bound to diminish his self esteem owing to his impromptu urge to track his ance...

Charles Darwin vs God

I had a crush with the machines in Antarctica, machines drilling ice down the earth’s throat across the crust to recover ice that was frozen several thousands of years prior to now. Scientists try and separate the air bubbles that get caught in this recovered ice. These air bubbles serve as an infallible source in determining the quantity of carbon dioxide in air when these bubbles got trapped. It’s really amazing to see how scientists work on fossils, how they try to squeeze in every last micro piece of information from recovered fossils. Unlike English language, DNA is a word that is limited in its choice of letters to 16, more so DNA is further crippled with an additional constraint of a threshold set by nature i.e. DNA is a word with no more than 4 letters. Simple mathematics tells us, DNA can’t make more than 64 words (technically words are ‘codons’). These 64 words between themselves share 21 synonyms comes as no respite to the all burgeoning plight of DNA in voicing out. The 21 ...