Are there anomalies in our socio-political systems? How else can one explain the seemingly ubiquitous civil unrest? I wondered if the world will ever cease from this mood of cultural ecstasies. Do differences exist in a system to keep it on a perpetual streak of life or is it the other way round? None of our moralistic epitomes are infallible. They are merely complete insofar that the adherents consent to. That begs us to answer the question we began with-do anomalies exist in our ideas, ideologies and systems? Yes, otherwise the system would never evolve and over a period of time, it perhaps descends into the grave of regress. But why in the first place have we, the adherents of the system, allowed for anomalies to creep into the system? The answer to this question lies in another question. That is, what is the yardstick to measure anomalies? The yardstick is the incumbent level or maturity of system. What this means is, unless the system itself evolves into a giant octopus, the ones ...