I still remember the scene where the main protagonist approaches his brain lying on the railway platform; with a screw driver in his hand, he lowers it into the many furrowed brain. As the train approaches to a halt with its screeching tyres, protagonist squeezes his head tight with both hands, as though great exploding pain is emanating from somewhere within him. This scene indicated the protagonist's state of mind. It is from "Pi". My first introduction to Darren Aronofsky. And the scene where another of Aronofsky's protagonists holds his arm high up and runs the jagged ends of an oiled saw into it - "Requiem for a Dream" haunts you like no horror movie does. And lately, he produced "The Wrestler"; in this, his take on character development approaches that of Fincher's in "Zodiac". Only, the tedium is kept at bay by the rhythmic shuffling of emotions. Now, in "Black Swan", with Portman looking so downright emaciated in som...