Endless rush of energy, a two stroke engine blistering and spurting out torque, a four stroke engine resonating resilience in a grotesquely multidimensional sought output, sometimes four cylinders, other times four hundred cylinders powering a roller coaster here, a heavy weight truck there. Solar panels hung up smartly on the roadside poles, ambitious plans to power cities on solar panels put up somewhere in a desert miles away from cities. Wind mills accused of killing birds, lashing them as they fly past or worse brutally slash up the wings and leave birds at the mercy of dogs below. Innovations in chemical battery making: now putting citrus derivatives to achieve truly green power. artificial sand dunes in the making at Dubai’s most expensive hotels, strangely heretic plans to put up mirrors in the sky, so to divert sun rays away from the planet that we hope to enhance greenery in (or to sustain the existing balance). scientists working day and night to envisage the exact date and ...